It’s been…half a year
since I blogged
since I tinkered on this website
since I worked on my book.
It’s been half a year
Of deep deep depression
Of fear, regret, shame, and pain
All swallowing me whole
Leaving nothing behind.
It’s been… more than a year
That I’ve struggled with
Death being a near thought
A possible wish
A fearful inevitability
Suicidal ideation infiltrating
My marriage, my travels
My work, gripping me hostage
Pushing me to get help
Paralyzing me
In reality, it’s been…a lifetime
Of traumatic events
Conflicting memories
Painful moments
Lost opportunities
All piling one upon the other
Haphazardly, dangerously,
Vying for attention
Fighting for preeminence
Shaping thoughts and core beliefs
Of myself and the world
Out of all the things that could have killed me
My divorce and losing everything
Is finally what did it
What caused me to unravel
What made me give up
I have been wasted.
Devastated. Destroyed.
Demoralized. Defeated.
I crumpled and tried to erase
It was the only thing I still could control
So I did.
I was ready to die.
I wanted to die.
I had nothing left to offer anyone
And everyone was truly better off without me
Being a burden, a leech, a mistake, a reminder
Of everything that could go wrong with a person
Self-loathing and despair
Can absolutely overwhelm and overtake
A person.
There is no logic to reshape it
No reasoning to adjust it
No muscle or will that can pull you out of it.
You no longer think or feel rationally.
It consumes every waking breath.
You know what I mean
If you too have had these
Glitches in your makeup
These moments of lostness
I fought so hard to stay alive
Until I couldn’t fight anymore
You can only take so much.
And I had more than my fair share
More than enough
More than I could bear
Do not hate me,
Judge me,
Be disappointed in me
For quietly just giving up
For giving in
To the darkness.
You don’t know until
You’ve been here too.
How to explain
To my loved ones who
I love so much?
What is there to say
About a person who
Tries to leave life?
I am sorry for being selfish.
I am sorry for giving up.
I am sorry that I am not
Strong enough to love you
More than myself.
It’s been… two and a half months
Since I exited life. Or tried to.
Since my mother sent people to intervene
Since the hospital confined me.
It’s been two and a half months
Of full-time therapy and new meds
Of nothing changing around me
(my circumstances being the same!)
But I have changed.
Am changing.
I am working on living
Of being a more active
Participant in my own life
Of learning to love me too
In addition to you.
One day at a time.